Books I love & reread again and again

Hi guys,

Apart from my love of make-up my second big love is books. I will spend hours in book and charity shops looking for new books to read. Plus the internet is a great tool for book ideas because of forum websites and blogs too I love.
Anyway on to my first book of choice.

Playing with fire -Renee Graziano
The first reason I brought this book was because of the reality show Mob Wives on ITVBE in the UK, Renee is my favourite person on the show because she is real and I love her attitude to life. So the TV show is how I heard about it because Renee is in the process of writing it in season 4.
The book is set in New York and the two main characters are Regain and Nick, Nick is an investment banker with a side line job of an assassin. Because of this sideline job he is employed to kill Regain, which is how they meet. But as soon as they meet they click they have the same sense of humour plus they fancy each other like mad. This is the reason why Nick doesn't kill Regain he doesn't understand why he should and wants to protect her and her son.

As the book moves on  they try to work out work is trying to kill Regain because there are 2 near misses leading to one other character called Sal getting hurt and Regains fashion business getting broken into.

Another reason why I love this book is because it's set in New York so you can get lost in that world. Plus even through the book is an easy read the characters are well rounded, the chapters are detailed with out going over the top. Plus there is a theme that is keep up and strong all the way through. Because Renee has used the building blocks of her life with out turning it in an autobiography. s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1499791306&sr=1-1&keywords=playing+with+fire+Renee
Paper back Version
Hardback Version ( Really expensive I must say if you find a cheaper hard back copy buy)

Hidden Talents - Erica James

This is my first book I have read by Erica James and I could not put it down, I would describe this book as a "cosy" book because nothing big happens like a murder. Having said that there are secrets behind the characters that get explained through out the book.

Plus I love this book because even through there are 5 main people in the book that are part of this book club, it is through this book club set up by Dulcie that they meet. Beth, Jack, Jaz and Victor have all joined the club for different reasons. These reasons for each of them are explained through the book really well without losing speed. Also Erica has managed to keep each story on track for each of them without just adding ideas to fill pages, plus every story has an ending and is tied up very well.
Because of this I think Erica James is a very talented writer because she keeps the story on track for all the six "main" characters plus Erica has created a family and a friend group for each of them. As you read that you would think this would make the book over complicated but that is not the case at all.  That is the final reason why I love this book and keep reading it again and again without getting bored.

This is an amazon link to the book with a different cover then my version I love the cover

 This is the Ebay link I like the fact that when looking through brand new copies can still be bought.

Waterstones are still stocking this book and you can click and collect or go into a local Waterstones and order a copy
Having said all this go hunting in charity shops it's more fun !

Precocious - Joanna Barnard
Let me just start by saying this book is one of the best Fiction books I have read in a long time I love the story, between the characters. Secondly I bought this book also because of the cover and the name of this book. Precocious is a strong title and this story is strong plus the characters.
Fiona Palmer and Henry Morgan are they are the central characters. Henry Morgan was Fiona's English teacher from school who she runs into at the local supermarket but the twist is even through he was her teacher they had a relationship that began when Fiona was 14. The gest I get is that the relationship lasted for a couple of years with out anyone finding out but there happened to be a few close calls. Plus there is another twist woven in too.

Now this sounds like a awful subject to base a novel on but the writing from Joanna is great because she builds to story up bit by bit. It's not they meet in one English class and end up together straight away.

Plus I like the character of Fiona because she doesn't apologize for the fact that the relationship happened and she doesn't blame any one but herself. Plus one great trate that Joanna got right is the fact that Fiona wasn't controlled in the relationship and wasn't forced. Also she was/is just as the title says Precocious. Even through she does feel a little more guilty now and questions herself more. Saying that the theme still feels that you are going down memory lane with Fiona. That doesn't make me hate her. But I could see how this could grate on people so it's personal taste.
This is a link to Amazon.
This is the link to Water stones
This is the link to Penquin

Strong looks better naked - Khloe Kardashian 
I got bought this book for Christmas because I'm a big fan of Khloe. So I knew I was going to love it anyway and tbh before I read it I had expections. It totally meet them. One of the reasons being each chapter is well thought out and very very detailed. Also you can tell from the pages that they are written from the heart and Khloe's point of view- like you are having a chat with her.
The second reason why I love this book is because I love how honest Khloe is about the problems she has faced and also how grateful Khloe is for her job and for everyone around her.
The final two reasons you should reed this. Is because Khloe gives solid advice for example "baby steps are better then standing still" or " fit fitness around your life and schedule don't let it take over ". Finally I like the fact she is so dedicated but doesn't let fitness and the life style rule her life if she wants to eat junk food or party she will. She just gets back on track afterwards slowly and surely.
Now by typing this I am going to sound like a massive fan girl but if anyone who reads this is on twitter could you tweet these women to say that I'm a fan of theirs. Would make my day if really honest.

Anyway happy reading
Love GH Xxx
This is a link to Amazon.
This is a PDF version you can download.
This is a link to Water stones.


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