Using a foundation as a bronzer

Using a foundation as a bronzer ?

Hi guys

I thought I'd try a new makeup trick the reason being I bought these two foundations.

The two I bought were from the No7 brand, because I love the brand and I thought I would try the face products.

The first one I bought was

Now I love this as a bronzer because it can also work as a highlighter too.
Now me being me I like to place a powder eyeshadow a matte one using a small brush to balance it out. Having said that it's just the way I feel it works for me.
The second one I bought was this now this is a very different because it's matte finish. Now I found I only need a small amount of product on a blush brush or a beauty blender works great too.

Hope u enjoy this post guys and it's something slightly different to read 

Love GH xx


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